Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Dr. Victor Hugo Sanchez Espinoza (Project Coordinator) e-mail: victor.sanchez@kit.edu Tel: +49-721-608 22283
Dr. Anton Travleev e-mail: anton.travleev@kit.edu Tel: +49-721-608 24147
Delft Nuclear Consultancy
Dr. J. Eduard Hoogenboom (Project Secretary) e-mail: hoogenboom@delftnuclearconsultancy.nl Tel: +31-10-4508442
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Dr. Jaakko Leppänen e-mail: jaakko.leppanen@vtt.fi Tel: +358-40-593 9076
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Dr. Jan Dufek e-mail: jandufek@kth.se Tel: +46-8-5537 8887